HomeSportNBA to Suspend Dillon Brooks for LeBron Punch? Brace for a Laughter...

NBA to Suspend Dillon Brooks for LeBron Punch? Brace for a Laughter Slam Dunk!

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We all remember the infamous punch to LeBron James’ groin by Draymond Green back in ’16. The NBA took a look at it, gave Green a technical foul, and he missed Game 5. But fast forward to today, and we’re talking about another punch to LeBron’s crown jewels. This time it’s from Dillon Brooks, who probably wishes he had a time machine to go back and stop himself from ever taking that swipe.

It all went down in Game 3 of the Lakers-Grizzlies series. Brooks, who had been talking smack about LeBron before the game, took a swing at him, connecting with that oh-so-sensitive spot in the backcourt. LeBron crumpled to the court, and the refs tossed Brooks out of the game. LeBron’s crown jewels were safe, but the question was whether or not the NBA would suspend Brooks for his less-than-artful swipe.

The NBA has a bit of a conundrum on its hands. On the one hand, they’ve set the precedent with Green that punching LeBron in the nuts will not be tolerated. On the other hand, they don’t want to be seen as overreacting to every nut tap and groin shot on the court. So, what will the league do?

Well, if Brooks had just gone for the ball and not gone for LeBron’s sensitive underbelly, he might not be in this situation. But alas, here we are, wondering if Brooks will be suspended for Game 4. And really, who can blame him for going for LeBron’s crown jewels? They’re like a magnet, they just draw people in.

Let’s not forget that this isn’t Brooks’ first rodeo. He’s been suspended twice this season already for technical fouls, and he’s got a bit of a history of punching people where it hurts. You could say he’s got a thing for sensitive areas.

So, what’s the verdict? Will Brooks be suspended? Only time will tell. One thing’s for sure, though – when it comes to punching people in the nuts, the NBA isn’t messing around.

Serious News: nytimes


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