HomeOpinionsOpinion | Uh-Oh, We Helped Create the Messy Shenanigans in Sudan (A...

Opinion | Uh-Oh, We Helped Create the Messy Shenanigans in Sudan (A Bit)

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Alright everybody, gather around for a tale about Sudan. It seems that after decades of military rule, things just can’t seem to work out for the country. General Hamdan and Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who are both military leaders, teamed up to overthrow President Omar Hassan al-Bashir in 2019, all in the name of democracy. But then, just a few years later, they went and pulled a military coup themselves, removing the civilian-led transitional government. So much for democracy, am I right?

Now, tensions between the two military leaders had been brewing like a pot of coffee for months on end. But when it came down to handing power back to a civilian government, well, let’s just say that things got a bit explosive. Analysts have pointed out that the pro-democracy uprising that helped overthrow al-Bashir in 2019 was too weak and disorganized to compete against the armed militias. And that’s not all! Apparently, this is all part of a bigger “global power struggle” that has attracted foreign actors such as Russia, the Gulf States, Egypt, and even the Wagner Group. Who knew that Sudan was such a hot spot for international intrigue?

Of course, these may all be valid reasons for the violence in Sudan. But let’s not forget about the larger issues at play here. See, when the conflict in Sudan didn’t magically disappear after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, the international community did what it does best: never-ending peace negotiations. You know the drill. They brought the armed belligerents to various international locations to negotiate for concessions that might lead to an end to the violence. Rinse and repeat.

All jokes aside, the situation in Sudan is not something that should be taken lightly. The people of Sudan deserve to live in a country that values their safety and their voice. Hopefully, one day, they’ll be able to overthrow the military rule for good and establish a true democracy. Until then, we’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Serious News: nytimes


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