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Zooming into Work: The Missing Ingredient Young Workers Crave – The Power of Proximity

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Ah, the beloved nollar jobs. Where all you need is a corner of your home to be able to work. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love the freedom of being able to work from the comfort of their pajamas? Working parents especially have become super attached to the flexibility and who can blame them?

But alas, recent months have brought a new challenge to our beloved nollar jobs. Large employers like Amazon, Disney, and Starbucks are trying to drag us back to the office like a cat drags a toy across the room. However, thousands of employees are having none of it. They’ve pointed to the track record of productivity at home and have outright refused to go back to the office.

Who can blame them though? The first thing you have to do when you go to the office is dress appropriately (ugh). No more pajamas or sweatpants, no sir! And don’t even get me started on the morning commute. Traffic with a capital T.

So kudos to these fearless employees who are fighting for their right to work from home in their sweatpants. May their productivity stay high and their coffee pots stay full.

Serious News: nytimes


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