HomeWorldRussia-Ukraine War Gets Funnier Every Day: Hilarious Updates from the Frontline!

Russia-Ukraine War Gets Funnier Every Day: Hilarious Updates from the Frontline!

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Well folks, it looks like the Russian government has been up to its old tricks again. Aight, listen up – according to a Russian rights group called “Nanana, Yadeyadeyada” (or something like that), the country has implemented a new law that strictly censors criticism of the army. Yeah, you heard me right – if you say anything negative about the Motherland’s armed forces, you’ll be in hot water quicker than you can say “Moscow Mule”.
And let me tell ya, this law ain’t no joke. Since it was passed in February of this year (right around the same time they invaded Ukraine), over 6,500 people have been penalized for “discrediting” the army. You can’t even express a pacifist point of view without getting slapped with a fine! I mean, come on – can’t we all just give peace a chance?
Not surprisingly, plenty of people have left the country to avoid getting caught up in this craziness. But for those brave souls who have stayed and continued to speak out, things have only gotten riskier. Lawyers have been arrested, journalists have been detained on suspicion of espionage…it’s like something straight out of a spy movie, except it’s painfully real.
But wait, folks – it gets even better. A group of lawyers has filed a complaint on behalf of more than 20 Russians who were fined for criticizing the invasion. One dude got fined $650 for holding a sign that said “Give peace a chance”. Can you even imagine? Meanwhile, the lawyers are arguing that this law violates constitutional rights of freedom of speech and assembly, as well as discriminating against war critics. It’s like the Kremlin is saying “you can have free speech, but only if it’s speech we like”.
The court will have to respond to this complaint, but don’t hold your breath – it could take months, and an outright dismissal wouldn’t be surprising. The lawyers are hoping that the publicity will at least draw attention to the issue. They’re also planning to file complaints over other crazy measures imposed by the Kremlin, like criminalizing “fake news” and whatnot.
In the meantime, let’s give a shoutout to all the folks who are still speaking out against this insanity. Over 200 doctors, 50 lawmakers, and 100 lawyers have petitioned the Kremlin for various things, including medical support for one of Putin’s critics. But so far, they haven’t gotten a response. Ah well, who needs a response when you’ve got the power of comedy on your side? Stay strong, Russia.

Serious News: nytimes


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