HomeWorldSudan's U.S.-Brokered Cease-Fire Silently Screams, "Psych!" as Violence Continues

Sudan’s U.S.-Brokered Cease-Fire Silently Screams, “Psych!” as Violence Continues

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Well, it looks like the cease-fire in Sudan ain’t exactly rock solid. Tuesday saw some loud explosions and gunfire in Khartoum – the capital city – putting a damper on things for folks trying to get away from the fighting that’s been tearing up this massive African nation for the past week. Residents were getting worried about their supplies of food and water, and many were hoping for a peaceful day so they could flee the city. Even countries like Britain had been planning to take advantage of the so-called pause in fighting to evacuate their own citizens. Sounds like a letdown for everyone.
Some Khartoum residents reported sightings of low-flying warplanes, and explosions that rattled their homes. Can’t say anyone was expecting that! Musab Abdalhadi, who lives in the city’s Al-Zuhour neighborhood, said they could hear the sound of metal clashing and military fighting over the phone, for chrissake. So much for a lazy day on the couch. It seems like the Sudanese Army – led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan – and their old rivals, the Rapid Support Forces, led by Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan, ain’t ready to lay down their weapons anytime soon.
If things couldn’t get wilder, we heard that the gunfire and explosive noises started only a few hours after the United States announced that there was going to be peace for 72 whole hours. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken had hoped for no interruptions so they could chat with other countries about how to put an end to this struggle once and for all. Yeah, right. Way to make an announcement that ain’t exactly gonna come true, Blinken. Better luck next time – if there is one.

Serious News: nytimes


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