Have you heard the one about the president and the sexual misconduct allegations? No? Well, buckle up because it’s a real knee-slapper. You see, Mr. Trump got elected even after multiple accusations of inappropriate behavior with women. And now, one of those women, Ms. Carroll, has brought a lawsuit against him. It’s like a bad joke that just keeps getting worse.
But wait, it gets even better. Ms. Carroll is giving credit to the #MeToo movement for empowering her to come forward. You know, that movement where women all over the world said “Me Too” and demanded accountability for the harassment and abuse they’ve faced. It’s almost as if women should be treated with respect and not as objects for men’s pleasure. Crazy concept, right?
Now, there’s a jury that has to decide who’s telling the truth. The judge in the case called it a “he said, she said” situation, which seems like an understatement. Ms. Carroll says her two friends can confirm her story, and there’s also that lovely “Access Hollywood” tape where Mr. Trump brags about grabbing women without their consent. But, you know, who needs evidence when you have a man denying everything?
Here’s where things get a little tricky. Turns out, one woman’s word against a powerful man isn’t always enough to convince a jury. It’s almost as if there’s a “credibility discount” for women who come forward with allegations of sexual assault. It’s a shame that society still treats women this way, but hey, at least we have some good lawyer tactics to rely on.
Mr. Trump’s lawyers are going to do what they do best: attack the victim. They’ll probably say that Ms. Carroll was totally into the banter that led to the alleged assault, and that she laughed about it afterwards. Because, you know, women love being assaulted and humiliated. It’s just good old-fashioned fun.
Serious News: nytimes