HomeOpinionsOpinion | The College Degree's Worth: Undergrad Envy Strikes as FOMO Spirals...

Opinion | The College Degree’s Worth: Undergrad Envy Strikes as FOMO Spirals Out of Control

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Ah, the struggles of finding a job without a fancy degree. It’s like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, especially when you’ve got a G.E.D. or a rocky job history. It’s enough to drive you to drink, or whatever addiction you may have grappled with during your dark days. And to make matters worse, those darn applicant tracking systems can’t possibly understand your unique story. How do you explain your unconventional path to a computer portal?
However, my dear job hunters, there may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. It seems that some major corporations, from Delta Air Lines to the behemoth that is Google, are discarding their degree requirements and prioritizing skill sets instead. Finally, we might have a chance to prove our worth without having to wave around a piece of paper that says we sat through lectures and wrote essays for four years. Even the bigwig CEO of LinkedIn is singing the praises of this philosophy. The Business Roundtable is also joining in on the revolution to promote a diverse, inclusive workplace by emphasizing the value of skills. It may not be a new movement, but it’s getting a much-needed boost from the tight job market and the pandemic’s harsh reality checks.
But let’s not kid ourselves, my fellow non-college grads. Even with this shift in mindset, we’ve still got a long way to go. The wage gap between those with degrees and those without has been a thorn in our side for years, and it’s only getting worse. Young people with bachelor’s degrees are raking in a median annual wage of $52K in 2022, while high school grads get a sad $34,320. And don’t even get us started on how race and gender come into play here. It’s just another reminder that education is only one part of the equation.
And let’s be real, who’s writing most of these studies and news articles about the education divide? Hint: it’s the college-educated people. It’s like asking a vegetarian to recommend a good steakhouse. So, it’s no wonder that we’re getting an incomplete picture of what’s really going on here. Not that we’re bitter or anything.
All we’re saying is, it’s time for assumptions around higher education to finally catch up to reality. We remember the days when a boss would toss any resume without a college listed straight in the trash. But let’s be honest, old habits die hard. A survey from Morning Consult found that 72% of employers don’t even think a college degree means much, yet more than half still prefer to play it safe and hire degree holders. It’s like they’re wearing blinders, unable to see the talent hiding in plain sight right in front of them. Well, dear hiring managers, it’s time to take those blinders off and embrace the bright, shiny world of skill-based hiring. It just might change your life – and ours – for the better.

Serious News: nytimes


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