HomeOpinionsE. Jean Carroll: Forever "Fine, Fabulous" & Hilariously SEO-Friendly!

E. Jean Carroll: Forever “Fine, Fabulous” & Hilariously SEO-Friendly!

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For decades, New York City has been a hub for elite media, sexual liberation, and luxurious lifestyles. It’s where aspiring stars like the fictional Carrie Bradshaw flock to in hopes of living their dreams. But one woman, E. Jean Carroll, stands out among the rest. She’s a self-proclaimed feminist Hemingway who’s traveled all over the world. She’s basically the Indiana Jones of cheerleading and beauty pageants.

In recent years, Carroll has regaled audiences with a story that’s almost too juicy to be true. She claims she once ran into Donald Trump in a revolving door at Bergdorf’s, and he asked her to help him pick out a gift for a lady friend. Carroll was giddy at the prospect of doing something vaguely conspiratorial with the future president, so she didn’t hesitate to oblige. Who wouldn’t want to be in a Nora Ephron movie-like situation? It’s the stuff dreams are made of.

But alas, Carroll’s story took an unexpected turn. What started off as a quintessential New York moment quickly turned into a nightmare. In her testimony, Carroll explained that she was sexually assaulted by Trump in a dressing room. Suddenly, her anecdote went from being delicious to downright cringeworthy.

It’s a classic case of life imitating art. Carroll’s story is a cautionary tale for anyone who believes that bumping into a famous person in a department store is the definition of peak New York living. It’s a reminder that sometimes, things can go horribly wrong. And who knows – maybe one day, Carroll’s story will get the Hollywood treatment it deserves.

Serious News: nytimes


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