

Biden Claims He Can Tackle Debt Limit, But Time is Ticking Faster than a Teen’s Curfew!

Do you remember that one time when President Biden said he could challenge the...

Sudan’s Battle Royale Takes a 7-Day Timeout: Warring Clans Press Pause on Chaos

Guess what, folks?! Saudi Arabia and the United States have finally put an end...

Supreme Court asked to prescribe a chill pill for the abortion pill

Abortion doctors are having a grand ol’ time asking the Supreme Court to reinstate...

Clarence Thomas’s Goodies Bag and the Supreme Court’s Questionable Swag

Do you know what's funny? Justice Clarence Thomas. Not because of his rulings or...

The Supreme Court Justice Who Auditioned for “Broke & Scandalous: Legal Edition” by Resigning in Disgrace Over His Finances

Associate Justice Abe Fortas bid adieu to the Supreme Court, leaving President Nixon with...

Supreme Court Judges Sunday Deliveries: When the Mailman and Sabbath Collide

Listen up, folks! The Supreme Court is in the news again, and this time...

Biden Administration Politely Requests Supreme Court to Chillax on Abortion Pill Restrictions

Well folks, looks like the U.S. government is temporarily putting the kibosh on mifepristone,...

Opinion | The Morals of Nine Supreme Beings Wielding Absolute (Judicial) Power in America

Are you ready for some court drama, folks? Well, when it comes to the...

Biden Administration Calls Supreme Court, Desperately Seeking Abortion Pill’s Comeback Tour

Hold onto your seats, folks, because we’ve got a legal battle brewing over the...

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Biden Claims He Can Tackle Debt Limit, But Time is Ticking Faster than a Teen’s Curfew!

Do you remember that one time when President Biden said he could challenge the...

Sudan’s Battle Royale Takes a 7-Day Timeout: Warring Clans Press Pause on Chaos

Guess what, folks?! Saudi Arabia and the United States have finally put an end...

Feeling Lost in Integer Land? This Hilarious Encyclopedia of Number Sequences Has Your Back!

Okay folks, hold onto your calculators, because we're about to dive into some serious...

Stuck in a Pickle: Tim Scott’s 2024 Run Tickle-Fights for the Limelight Among Black Republicans

Is it just me or does the idea of Larry Elder running for president...
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